But you’ll also find movies that suggest magic and mystery can be found right here on Earth, and that it’s attainable for even the smallest children and most cynical adults. Hello yall, Since weve had so many questions considering the release date and the overall progression of this update, I thought that Id make a detailed post about it. Sure, you’ll find plenty of superhero flicks and swords-and-dwarves epics and adventures set on faraway worlds.
Movies are meant to be escapist, and there’s no genre better at transporting us away from the here and now than fantasy.įor this list of the greatest fantasy movies ever, though, we’re going with a broader definition of the term than is perhaps most used. It’s not hard to see why audiences have an increasing desire to be swept away to a time and place different from our own – just take a look at cable news or your Twitter… sorry, X feed. Formerly thought of as the province of those folks you see duelling with cardboard swords in the park, fantasy movies are now big business, thanks to Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, Game of Thrones and, of course, the omnipresent Marvel Cinematic Universe.